3-Month Mind & Body Reset Program
3-Month Mind & Body Reset Program

3-Month Mind & Body Reset Program

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  • The 3-Month Mind & Body Reset Program includes a personalized Nutrition plan, Workout schedule (at home or for gym workouts), and weekly mindfulness sessions.

  • The program includes an initial scheduled phone call or meeting where we go over your goals. 

  • I will track your progress weekly and will change macros and workout plan on an as-needed basis. 

  • We will do weekly check-in calls but you will be able to contact me daily for questions and accountability!

  • Please note: You are required to track your macros daily for accountability.

  • Once we get started, submit before photos, measurements, and access body fat percentage.


"Whether you want to lose a few pounds or many, Anja is the best Keto Coach out there. Her program is extremely doable and she creates a tailored program for each individual. She checks in with her clients multiple times a day to keep them on track and to encourage them. I highly recommend Anja of DeVo Fit!" - Jennifer

"Anja has been incredible in my journey with DeVo.Fit, logging my food and my exercise activity daily for me. She checks in with me daily providing meal ideas, suggestions, and goal achievements of where I want to be for my lifestyle change! I highly recommend her coaching you will not regret a healthier way of living and being guided by her along the way!!!" - Sarah

"In one month, I lost ten pounds and feel so much better physically and emotionally. I highly recommend Anja as a coach - she will work with you to feel empowered to make positive changes for yourself, all while staying comfortable with your goals and lifestyle." - Diane

"I have tried almost every diet fad out there from Weight Watchers, South Beach, counting macros. With this program, I immediately knew I was going to be working with someone who not only knew what I was going through but could really help give me the tools to build myself a better relationship with food, eating and self-image." - Shannon


Product Disclaimer
Please note that all content: text, images, associated links or videos are created for informational purposes only. The information and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am not a licensed physician so as always, please seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical conditions. Never disregard any professional medical advice given to you based on any information given to you by my coaching.
DeVo Fit™/Anja Mertl does not endorse or recommend any specific product, test, physician or other information that may be mentioned while coaching. Any companies that you see affiliated are for marketing purposes only.
Reliance on any information provided by  DeVo Fit™/Anja Mertl as a client is solely at your own risk. DeVo Fit™/Anja Mertl will not be liable for any reason should you decide to follow a Meal and Workout Plan using any information provided in the coaching.