Why You Should Invest In Personal Development

In 2019, I attended a two-day blackout experience called EXPAND. It was the graduation of a 90-day challenge led by Coach Russ Perry and Coach Deric Keller.

Why did I join EXPAND and what did I want to achieve? BIG RESULTS. I was tired of being pulled into too many directions and not to focus on the things that get the biggest results. I was getting distracted by unimportant details.

So what does it mean to join a 90-day, fast-paced mastermind experience?

You work with a group of women or men in a 1-on-1 program who are ready to lift their business with weekly accountability, coaching, and consulting. It's about learning how to live the Warrior's Way and learn the tools of Core 4, Stacks, 90-Day Challenges, Time Blocking, and more to drive a singular outcome: INCREASED VELOCITY.

This crazy ride was topped with an intense 2-day blackout in Arizona. No phones, all-black clothes, and blindfolds. Only you and your thoughts.

So what did I get out of it?

My goals for my 90-day challenge were to grow my fitness coaching business, book a vacation with my husband, publish my first book, and double my personal income. Did I achieve my results? I SURE DID and I continue to set myself huge goals. It helps me push myself every day to be the best version of myself. Is it hard? Yes. Is it intense? Yes. Do you get results? YES.

Why you should do personal development?

Personal development is something you take on for yourself. It is more than just an investment in your career, it's an investment in your personal growth, awareness, and identity. 

Do you want results in your personal and professional life? Book a consultation with me!